
Monday, September 30, 2013

Action Research Revisited

I have made some progress toward completing my action research plan.  To date, I have generated, distributed and analyzed data from last year’s student survey regarding college and career preparation at PHS.  I have also compiled ACT/SAT scores from the previous two years and I am in the process of collecting scores from the current senior class.  With regard to AP scores, that is still a work in progress.  I have scores in all tested areas from the year before last, but still need to collect last year’s scores.  Within the coming months I plan on giving the staff a questionnaire relating to their opinions about college and career readiness at PHS.  I am scheduled to visit with the guidance counselor and discuss ways of tracking student success beyond high school.  Currently, we do not have a satisfactory method in place so accurate numbers of college success cannot be reported.  Since our district still uses CSCOPE, those standards will be included when discussing curriculum rigor and alignment.  The last details that need to be completed prior to the end of the school year are giving the current senior class their survey and combining the results of the college readiness benchmarks given in the fall and spring.  After all this is done, I can put the findings on paper and give my report to school stakeholders.  Even though I feel behind at this point, I am confident that I will meet my goal of having most of it complete by January.