
Sunday, March 17, 2013

Action Research Project

What a week!  This week's assignment contained a vast amount of information regarding the action research process.  Through the readings, videos, and selected resources, I gained a deeper understanding of and appreciation for action research. Also, I have a better sense of direction and purpose.  Below is my action research planning template and overview.  Please peruse and provide feedback.  Thank you!

Action inquiries:
Is the curriculum used (CSCOPE & Advanced Placement) effective in college and career readiness preparation?  What measures are currently in place to determine college and career readiness?  

Action goal:  Ensure all students are college and career ready upon graduation from PHS

Action Planning Template
Goal: Establish measures in place to determine college and career readiness and ensure all students are college and career ready upon graduation from PHS.
Action Steps(s):
Person(s) Responsible:
Timeline: Start/End
Needed Resources
Discuss action research topics with site supervisor

Site supervisor:
Sherri Seaman, principal, Palacios High School

Educator (me)
Amy M Grange
January 2013
-Action research plan
-list of contact personnel (support resources)

Generate potential action research inquiries
Research online articles relating to chosen action research topic

Amy M Grange
February-March 2013
Internet, ACT data, SAT data, input from guidance counselor and site supervisor,
College Board data, CSCOPE standards for CCRS, Texas CCRS
Evaluate compiled information to reach consensus. Specifically, evaluate ACT data; SAT data; College Board data; Review CSCOPE CCRS standards; review Texas CCRS; compare results from action research activities
Question senior students using a college interest questionnaire

Amy M Grange
March 2013
(questions generated from resources)
Review data to determine demographics, separate college from career paths; formulate a basis for the inquiry using student opinion from the inquiry, Do you feel you have been given the tools needed to succeed in future endeavors?
Survey a random pool of alumni to determine effectiveness of PISD curriculum and instruction

Site Supervisor
Amy M Grange
Guidance counselor
March- June 2013
Survey (Survey Monkey)
Identify a basis for the inquiry using post-graduation opinion from the inquiry- Do you feel you have been given the tools needed to succeed in collegiate or career endeavors?
Discuss what measures are in place to determine college and career readiness at PHS

Site Supervisor

Amy M Grange

Guidance counselor
March-April 2013
-College Board standards for Advanced Placement
-STAAR standards for CCRS
-CSCOPE standards for CCRS
-Texas CCRS
-AYP data
-AEIS data

Establish what measures  currently in place to determine college and career readiness.  Discuss how these methods assist in determining a student’s current level college and career readiness.
Discuss what measures are in place to track data regarding post graduation college completion

Amy M Grange

Guidance counselor
March 2013

Establish what methods are currently in place to track post graduation college completion.  If none are established, what methods can be implemented for future data support?
Survey teachers regarding instructional methods used to prepare students for college or career path
Amy M Grange

PISD teachers

March 2013
Survey (Survey Monkey)
Compile data examining the information given by teachers.  Based on questionnaire, what is the general feeling about the level of preparation students are receiving?
Administer college readiness benchmark- 2013
Amy M Grange
April 2013- current seniors

Assess benchmark test results to determine level of readiness
Analyze ACT percentages &
SAT percentages
Amy M Grange
March 2013
March 2014
-ACT local, state, and national percentage readiness chart
-SAT local, state, and national percentage readiness chart

Using information received from ACT and College Board (SAT) regarding local readiness percentages as compared to state and national, determine where our students rate.
Analyze Texas CCRS, College Board AP standards, and  CSCOPE curriculum
Site supervisor
March – April 2013
Various forms of data- reports (AYP, AEIS, Advanced Placement report, ACT campus report, SAT reports), articles, standards
Compile information regarding the effectiveness of CSCOPE and its preparation for college and career readiness.  Compile information regarding the effectiveness of College Board standards on college readiness and determine how the Texas CCRS are embedded in CSCOPE and CB and if its implementation is effective.
Compilation of data to report form

Site supervisor
March 2013- 2015
Various forms of presentation- charts, graphs, PowerPoint, etc.
Analyze information gathered and check for accuracy.  Make adjustments as needed and create inquiry report
Review inquiry for further accuracy

Site supervisor
Summer 2014
Include additional information as needed
Share findings
Site supervisor
August 2015
-Final report
Evaluate results; discuss possible solutions, if needed.

Format based on Tool 7.1 from Examining What We Do to Improve Our Schools
(Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010)

Action Research Overview:

After discussing several topics with my site supervisor, together we identified a need to determine if our students are college and career ready upon graduation and if the knowledge they gain through their high school years contributes to post-graduation success.  As a campus, we spend a great amount of effort, time, and funds in supporting and enhancing the education of our students.  The idea of is  what we are doing as a campus/district effective in preparing PISD students for college and career pathways directly proportionate to what measures are currently in place to determine college and career readiness and to ensure all students are college and career ready upon graduation from PHS.

Data shall be collected using a myriad of sources, including scholarly resources via Internet.  Compiled information from past and present students and teachers will be used in the research process.  From this collection, the goal is to obtain insight and a deeper understanding of how our curriculum and instructional framework fosters college and career readiness.

In an effort to include all stakeholders, data will be collected in a myriad ways throughout the process.  Through reviewing questionnaires, surveys, interviews, and data collected from research, a deeper understanding of the effectiveness of our curriculum and instructional framework to college and career readiness shall be gained.

The timeline for this process will be on-going and completed by 2015.  I plan on using a journal to document my progress and significant epiphanies.  Also, there may be times that I may need to modify my plan since this process will span over several months and new research may surface.  Engaging in self reflection is essential in evaluating and addressing needs, revising my path, understanding the impact of possible changes, and pondering my journey through my action research project.

As I begin the action research process by collecting data and initiating activities, I will continue to collaborate with my site supervisor and other personnel in gathering information and identifying potential biases that may affect my inquiry.  Specifically, is what we are offering (AP classes) open to all students?  Does overall instruction embed higher level thinking strategies so that all students can benefit? Also, I will utilize various reports such AEIS to substantiate findings. Furthermore, realizing that some individuals may by unwilling to participate may lead to expanding or modifying the way data is collected.

The direction I have chosen to take is practical, relevant, and flexible.  I am confident that I can follow my plan as devised while understanding that flexibility is required as time lines, potential revision, and stakeholder participation may warrant change.  Throughout the process, I must remain appreciative to those involved, flexible in receiving input, and welcoming to the opinions of others as these behaviors are crucial to the success of this project.  As a campus, we strive to educate each student to the best of our ability.  I feel that this inquiry will serve as justification to all our hard work.  

Using my action research plan, I will begin initiating the steps to gathering the data proposed.  Stakeholders will be identified and relied upon in the culmination process.  Through the course of this process, continual collaboration with the site supervisor shall take place.  To conclude, a comprehensive report will impart the outcome of my action research plan.

For my action research project to be effective and valuable, I would consider the stakeholders involved as a professional learning community seeking knowledge for the sustainability of our campus while using the voices of those we educate and tools such as the CARE model (Harris, Edmonson, and Combs, 2010, p. 97) to assist in measuring our goal.  I will actively share my results with all stakeholders and, of course, welcome feedback from all. 


Harris, S., Edmonson, S., & Combs, J. (2009).  Examining what we do to improve our schools:  
     8 steps from analysis to action.  Larchmont, NY: Eye on Education.


  1. Your action research plan is simple to read and easy to follow. Career readiness is a relevant and important action research topic. Good luck and I will be following!

  2. Thank you for your input. I appreciate it!

  3. Very easy to read and well organized. I am curious how your data will turn out. Do you feel it's a good program...or do you think there can be changes?

    1. Ms. Ramirez- thank you for your positive comments. I feel that the topic is relevant and important to student achievement. As far as changes, I am certain there will be since education is ever changing.

  4. Amy, this is a great topic! I spent a lot of time looking over your plan so that I could give you some good feedback for the week 4 assignment. These are only suggestions! :-)

    Where are you getting the College Readiness Benchmark from? Is it something you're creating, something already made, or something you are planning to find? I might put a little more detail in the first column to explain that, or maybe in the resources column to explain where you'll get the test from.

    Also, I would separate the College Readiness Benchmark into two separate steps since the two administrations will be a year apart. The point of the plan is to keep on you on task throughout your project, and I think it would be easier to know what you have to do if you have the second administration listed where it will occur in time.

    As far as the information in the first and last columns, I would approach it a little differently. I understand that the first column, the action step, is what will be done, so I would start each step with a verb. You did that on all steps except 8-11. Those are somewhat unclear on exactly what you're doing because there's not an action.

    In all of your steps, the Evaluation column does have an action. I understand that column to explain how you will know that action step has been completed; for example, in your first step, it would say, "List of potential action research inquiries." Once you have that list, you have evidence that you've completed that step. Your Evaluation statements seem like additional actions steps to me, such as, "Review data to determine demographics, separate college from career paths; formulate a basis for the inquiry using student opinion from the inquiry, Do you feel you have been given the tools needed to succeed in future endeavors?" Those are actions you are going to do, so I would include them in the action step column. Your evidence for completion of the example I just quoted could be something like, "Completed basis for inquiry." (Or something better--I couldn't think of anything!) The action step listed on that same line is "Question senior students using a college interest questionnaire," and to me, the evidence that step has been completed would just be the completed questionnaires.

    I hope this is helpful and not overwhelming! Again, these are just suggestions. If you need more clarification on what I mean I'd be happy to chat with you. I really like your topic, and I look forward to following your project and seeing the results!

  5. Corina- Thank you so much for the feedback. I see revisions on the horizon! The information you shared will help me in that process. I appreciate your suggestions.

    1. You're welcome. I think I've already revised my 5 or 6 times! I had to put it away so that I would stop messing with it. I'm glad that one part of our assignment this week is revising our plan since we all probably will be anyway.

  6. Well I guess you know why you recceived so many comments. You did a great job, and thi action research could be a model for week three. My question is the college ready bench mark test. Is the test mandatory or statewide, and who gets the results and who and what data will you measure if the students are collge ready. the same goes for measuring teaching curriculum and instructional data as to whether the instruction is college readiness.
